IELTS Speaking Part 1 NEWS


  1. Are you very interested in the news?
    Yes, I’m really fond of getting news from various sources because I just want to make myself better informed about the world
  2. Why do you want to know the latest news?
    It’s very important for me to know what happened in the domestic and international events.
  3. What sort of news are you most interested in?
    I’m more interested in foreign cultures. I like to learn about their religions, customs, and the foods they eat. Occasionally, foreign news interests me, too. I really like reading scientific related news.
  4. How do you usually find this news?
    Well, if I have free time at home, I’d like to watch the news and editorials in the TV with my family; whereas you know, it takes time for the newspaper to publish so the news are always not so updated.
  5. Do you prefer to read newspaper or watch TV to get your news?
    Normally I read news from TV news programmes, which are very convenient and updated; but if I’m too busy to watch TV, I’ll read news from the Internet in my mobile phone.
  6. Do you ever get your news from the internet?
    Yes, it’s very convenient for me to get news from internet such as mobile phone. The news apps usually send me the most urgent notifications to me so it keeps me posted.
  7. What sections of the newspaper do you usually read?
    I always read news in the politics section because I’m interested in political events happened in the domestic and abroad.
  8. Do you think newspaper is important?
    Option 1: Yes, newspapers are very important in current society because they are still the most important medium for understanding the world. They deliver the most urgent and valuable news to the audience so that readers can know what happens in the current world.
    Option 2: I believe news is very critically important because without regular access to news, most people would be unaware of the various events taking place, both locally and around the world, that have an impact on their lives.
  9. Besides newspaper, what are some other ways people get news?
    Well, besides newspapers, people can get news by many other sources, such as TV programmes, radio, and Internet, which can all cater for the different kinds of people.
  10. How important do you think it is more important, domestic news or international?
    I’m more interested in foreign cultures. I like to learn about their religions, customs, and the foods they eat. Occasionally, foreign news interests me, too. I really like reading scientific related news.